介绍了高要市2007~2008年连续2年开展水稻“三控”施肥技术示范的效果。试验结果表明:与当地习惯施肥相比,水稻“三控”施肥技术每667 m2产量早季增加26.98 kg、晚季增加52.95 kg,增产率分别为7.29%和12.64%;早季节省氮肥28%、节约肥料成本18%左右,晚季节省氮肥13%、节约肥料成本14.5%;每667 m2纯收益增加85.76~139.45元;氮肥利用率提高22.2%~59.5%,产投比提高11.3%~15.6%;同时,水稻“三控”施肥处理的稻株更健壮、抗倒性和抗病虫能力更强,稻飞虱和稻纵卷叶螟危害率分别减少了21.97%和48.00%。
This paper introduces the effect of carrying out rice “three control” fertilization technology demonstration in Gaoyao for two consecutive years from 2007 to 2008. The results showed that the yield per 667 m2 increased by 26.98 kg in early rice and increased by 52.95 kg in late rice compared with that of local habitual fertilization. The yield increase rate was 7.29% and 12.64% 28%, 18% of fertilizer cost, 13% of nitrogen fertilizer in late season and 14.5% of fertilizer cost. The net profit per 667m2 increased by 85.76 ~ 139.45yuan; the utilization of nitrogen fertilizer increased by 22.2% -59.5% ~ 15.6%. At the same time, the rice plants under “three control” fertilization treatments were more robust, with more lodging resistance and pest resistance, 21.97% and 48.00% less damage to rice planthopper and rice leaf roller respectively %.