In the private financial market, the more you want to get high interest rates, the more you get away from it, the investors should take this as a precautionary measure. On the morning of November 25, 2014, Mr. Wang from Dongtun Town Central School, Yanjin County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province Pick up a friend’s phone, then silence. “Worried things have finally happened,” Wang told reporters. A friend told him that the Ascendas Group had gone bankrupt. However, Teacher Wang put a loan of 20,000 yuan two years ago there and has not expired yet. At the beginning of 2012, under the introduction of his colleague Wang, Mr. Wang opened an account in the business hall of Dongtun Town, Yanjin County, Henan Ascendas Investment Group Co., Ltd., and secured a total of RMB 20,000 from the Ascendas Group to Xinkai Kailai Ebb Tide Hotel