As a kind of ideology, commodity fetishism has quietly expanded into the entire existence mode and way of life of the society. Such a powerful consumption power of luxury goods in China was born out of the expansion of the economic and cultural neo-imperialism and “consumerism.” In the era of globalization, the export and infiltration of Western culture have fueled the proliferation of luxury goods and become the targets of neo-imperialism The means of brand exploitation. Luxury is a way to regenerate social relations. The symbolic totem created by the mass media is catering to the needs of people’s sense of belonging. Consumers seek identity and ownership of self-identity in the world of perfect luxury symbols. Mass media in the mirror image of luxury totem, but also to build a contemporary consumer culture. In the global space of cultural transmission, there is an imbalance of logic. The world of consumption is a world of symbolic systems, and “cultural hegemony” is promoted as a universal guideline through a system of implicit cultural violence or cultural coercion through the systematic manipulation of symbols. Export the product at the same time output values, from the cultural and ideological level concealed infiltration.