【摘 要】
Analysis of the levels of InsPs in cultured human retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells showed that Carbachol significantly stimulated the increase of InsPs levels in RPE cells and this effect could be blocked by atropine, indicating that there is toxicity in the target RPE cells Muscarinic receptors. Norepinephrine, serotonin, epidermal growth factor (EGF), isoproterenol, and NECA had no significant effect on the basal levels of InsPs. Isoproterenol and NECA also had no significant effect on Carbachol-stimulated InqPs; however, EGF significantly promoted the effect of Carbacol on InxPs and the level of human RPE cells. It is suggested that there is an inter-receptor interaction between human eye RPE cells EGF and the drug of canonical alkali.
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中国畜牧兽医学会主办的“2004中国国际兽医兽药技术博览会”定于2004年6月6-8日在成都国际会议展览中心召开。 本次博览会是国内首次举办的兽医兽药技术专业博览会,将为国
Packaging for environmental protection in the process of economic developmen
AIM To investigate predictors for fibrosis specifically in a high risk population of morbidly obese patients, including detailed evaluation of lifestyle. METHOD
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C-N thin films have been prepared by ion beam sputtering using pure N2 as discharge gas. The ratio N/C of the films measured by Auger spectrum is 20% on an aver