Columbus Day In The United States

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  Columbus Day, which is on the second Monday of October, remembers Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492. This holiday is not loved by everyone because the European coming in the Americas completely changed the life of the native Americans.
  Some Americans celebrate the holiday of the discovery of their country with church services and other activities. In some towns and cities, special church services and large events are held. Many celebrations happen in the Italian-American living area. The celebrations in New York and San Francisco are very big. In Hawaii Columbus Day is celebrated as Discoverers’ Day, but it is not a state holiday.
  Columbus day is a public holiday in many parts of the United states, but is not a day off in some states. Some government offices are closed because Columbus Day is still a government holiday.Many businesses and shops are open in states that don’t have Columbus Day as a public holiday. Schools are not asked to close but some may still close. The same goes for post offices.
  Christopher Columbus is often considered as the first European to sail to the Americas. He is sometimes known as the discoverer of the New World. However, some people don’t believe it. There is proof that the first Europeans to sail across the Atlantic were Vikings from Scandinavia. In addition, the land was already populated by native people, who had ‘discovered’ the Americas thousands of years before.
  Columbus Day was first celebrated in San Francisco in 1869. The first state-wide celebration was held in Colorado in 1907. In 1937, Columbus Day became a holiday across the United States. Since 1971, it has been celebrated on the second Monday in October.
  native adj. 土著的
  viking n. 海盗
  (What else do you know about Columbus?)
还是这样的的冬日,风还是这样刺骨,我还是一如既往地站在这里,怀念那些春光明媚的日子。怀念起我们那些春以为约、以夏为期、堤畔听暖、柳下和诗、悲欢与共的多梦年华。忆往昔青青岁月,旧事陈情,因为彼此付出过真诚与真心,所以此生铭记,所以深念于心。今又逢月夜如水,又逢你我相约的一场把酒临风之盛宴,我必又深情如昨,惊喜相赴。  三生石上你说曾刻上了你我的名字,唐诗宋词里我们有一段美妙的时光。江南的每一块青砖碧
我在想,什么是浪漫:  一杯热牛奶,打出细腻泡沫,当你喝一口,会长出白胡子。  两片苏打饼干,涂上浓稠酸奶在中间,最后装点上细碎的黄桃果粒,摆在你的电脑旁,等你随手取来。  三颗鸡蛋抽成蛋液,用筛子筛去泡沫,蒙上保鲜膜蒸,就是最细腻的鸡蛋羹,记得出锅时用热油爆香一点儿小葱和红椒末,蛋羹上先浇一点生抽,随即倒上滚油,端到晚饭桌上,你会拍手叫好。  四朵香菇,四片雪花肥牛,一同入滚水,这时再下一小把龙
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夜色下,我醒了。带着几丝朦朦胧胧的困意,我踏着“吱呀”呻吟著的木头台阶,走向树林。  树,在我眼前炫耀着自己漆黑的影子,密密麻麻的枝干,无意地囚禁了深紫色的天空。白色的灯光,在大树间折射着,拾起了断断续续的风,穿过林子。我咽下一口唾沫,融入这神圣与梦幻之中。  踏着一团团枯叶,在深蓝色的灌木丛中穿行。沙沙的足音,宛若一首动人的催眠曲,在林间回响。几片落叶,在灯光里投下自己那悠然舞动的影子,翻转着,