外加酶预处理技术可促进剩余污泥的水解,加快污泥消化速率,同时增加产气量。单酶预处理剩余污泥,碱性蛋白酶有着更好的水解效果,其最适条件为:pH值8.0,固液比1:4,酶浓度2%,温度55℃,反应时间4h;纤维素酶和链霉蛋白酶E联合是目前复合酶预处理中效果最好的,污泥中SS减少80%.颗粒性COD;减少93%,而TCOD减少了97%,TSS也从25g/L降到5g/L;联合酶预处理中,在蛋白酶浓度20mg/gTS、EDTA-2Na浓度0 20g/gTS和55℃条件下,SCOD浓度最高可达16878mg/L,多糖浓度最高可达2695.3mg/L,NH4+-N浓度也达到最大值156.73mg/L。
The addition of enzyme pretreatment technology can promote the hydrolysis of the remaining sludge, accelerate sludge digestion rate, while increasing gas production. The optimum conditions for the hydrolysis of the remaining sludge and alkaline protease with single enzyme were as follows: pH 8.0, solid-liquid ratio 1: 4, enzyme concentration 2%, temperature 55 ℃, reaction time 4h; cellulose Combination of enzyme and pronase E is the best compound enzyme pretreatment, the reduction of SS in sludge is 80%, the granular COD is reduced by 93%, the TCOD is decreased by 97% and TSS is reduced from 25g / L to 5g / L. Under the conditions of protease concentration of 20mg / gTS, EDTA-2Na concentration of 0 20g / gTS and 55 ℃, SCOD concentration reached 16878mg / L and polysaccharide concentration reached 2695.3mg / L, NH4 + -N concentration also reached a maximum of 156.73mg / L.