【产品推荐】Juniper M120Juniper多业务边缘路由平台M120的传输速度高达万兆,加上灵活的服务配置,能够帮助传统移动通讯提供商、有线运营商和大型企业更迅速的向下一代融合式IP商用及家用服务迁移。M120基于Juniper的下一代数据包转发引擎技术I-chip。I-chip利用最新的芯片技
[Product Recommendation] The Juniper M120Juniper multi-service edge routing platform M120 delivers speeds up to 10Gbps and flexible service provisioning to enable traditional mobile communications providers, cable operators and large enterprises to more rapidly deliver next-generation converged IP-based And home service migration. The M120 is based on Juniper’s next-generation packet forwarding engine technology I-chip. I-chip utilizes the latest chip technology