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乾隆皇帝生母于雍正十三年十二月被尊为崇庆皇太后,至乾隆四十二年病逝,其间经历了四次旬寿。每次旬寿,乾隆皇帝都为她举办了规模盛大的祝寿活动。故宫博物院所藏煌煌巨帙《崇庆皇太后万寿庆典图》,是皇太后庆寿活动的写实画卷。此图从京西万寿山之东宫门起,沿万寿山、昆明湖入长河,又经西直门、西安门、西华门,直绘至皇太后在紫禁城中的庆寿之地寿安宫。沿途宫殿、庙宇、桥梁、牌坊、市肆、商铺、民房、作坊,无不一一呈现;而为庆寿所搭建之各式景点、组织的各种戏曲、歌舞、乐队、杂耍、马术等庆寿队伍,也都详尽绘出。本文通过对图中场景的陈述,以及朝中各衙署、全国各督抚为建景点留下的标注等,论证此图所绘旬寿的具体年代。 Emperor Qianlong was born in December of the Yongzheng emperor as the Empress dowager empress dowager, died in forty-two years of Emperor Qianlong, during which he experienced four Xun Shou. Each Xun Shou, Emperor Qianlong held a grand celebration of her birthday activities. Imperial Palace Museum possession Huang Huang Juyi “Chong Qing Empress Dowager Wushu Festival map”, is the real life of the empress dowager scroll picture. This map starts from the east gate of Wanshou Mountain in west Beijing and follows the rivers of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake. It passes straight through Xizhimen, Xi’An Gate and Xihuamen to the Shou’ing Palace, where the empress dowager lives in the Forbidden City. Along the way, pavilions, temples, bridges, archways, shops, shops, houses and workshops are all presented; and for the various attractions built by Qingshou, a variety of opera, song and dance, band, juggling, equestrian and other Qingshou team , Are also drawn in detail. This article demonstrates the specific age of Xushou depicted in this figure through the statement of the scene in the picture, the marks left by the governors and government agencies in the country, the governors throughout the country as scenic spots.