湖山毓秀 沱水文明——湖南省华容一中办学掠影

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湖南省华容一中创办于1946年,其前身为清乾隆25年创建的沱江书院。1978年被确定为湖南省首批重点中学,2004年被授予“湖南省示范性普通高级中学”匾牌。现为国家“十五”规划教育部重点课题实验学校、全国科学教育基地、全国中小幼科技教育研究实验学校、全国中华民族传统美德教育实验学校、湖南省文明单位。学校位于湖南省华容县城郊,北靠黄湖山,西濒沱江水,占地527亩,建筑面积8万多平方米。校园内古木参天,花香鸟语,山水环抱,风景宜人现有教学班66个,在校生3000多人,教职员工278人,其中特级教师8人,英语外籍教师3人,高级教师72人,省、市级骨干教师32人。湖山毓秀,沱水文明。建校60年来,学校校绍沱江书院之教泽,秉湖山人文之灵秀,为祖国社会主义建设事业培育了2万多名各级各类优秀人才,逐步形成了“全体发展、全面发展、和谐发展、持续发展”的办学思想,铸就了“团结、踏实、活跃、进取”的校风,以优良的办学传统、卓越的办学模式和鲜明的办学特色蜚声三湘。 Hunan Huarong one was founded in 1946, its predecessor was built in Qinglong 25 years Tuojiang College. In 1978 was identified as the first batch of key middle schools in Hunan Province, 2004 was awarded the “model ordinary high school in Hunan Province” plaque. It is now the national key experimental school of the Ministry of Education during the “Tenth Five-year Plan”, the national science education base, the experimental school of science and technology education for primary and secondary children, the national traditional virtues education experimental school of the Chinese nation, and the civilized unit of Hunan Province. The school is located in the suburbs of Huarong County, Hunan Province, north of Huanghu Mountain, west of Tuojiang River water, covers an area of ​​527 mu, building area of ​​more than 80,000 square meters. There are 66 teaching classes, more than 3000 students and 278 faculty members, including 8 super-teachers, 3 English-language foreign teachers, 72 senior teachers, and provincial-level teachers. , Municipal backbone teachers 32 people. Yuxiu Yuxiu, Tuo civilization. In the 60 years since the founding of the university, the school has introduced Jiaocuo in Tuojiang Academy and Humane Spirit in Binghu Mountain to cultivate over 20,000 talents of various kinds at various levels for the cause of socialist construction in the motherland. Gradually, “all-round development, all-round development and harmony Development and sustainable development ”, and has created a school spirit of“ unity, steadiness, activity and enterprising ”. It has become famous in the world for its excellent running school tradition, excellent schooling mode and distinctive schooling characteristics.
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