据美国CDC 2011年报告,辅助生殖技术多胎妊娠发生率高达32%,占全年人群总体多胎妊娠的17.9%。从长远来看,它所造成的出生缺陷是辅助生殖技术实施后一直存在且越来越突出的影响这一技术安全性的重要因素。一次移植多个胚胎是造成多胎妊娠的一个重要原因,因此如何提高预测胚胎发育质量的方法,减少移植胚胎数目,在实施单胚胎移植的同时又保证成功率是目前生殖学专家亟待解决的问题。1形态学方法 1.1原核期评分Arroyo等〔1〕研究提示,PN评分有利于优质胚胎的选择。对原核的评分主要考虑原核的
According to the 2011 CDC report of the United States, the incidence of multiple pregnancy with assisted reproductive technology is as high as 32%, accounting for 17.9% of the total number of multiple pregnancies in the whole year. In the long run, the birth defects that it causes are important factors that have an ever-present and increasingly prominent impact on the technical safety of assisted reproductive technologies. Therefore, how to improve the quality of embryo development and how to reduce the number of transplanted embryos, and to ensure the success rate of single embryo transfer are the urgent problems that reproductive experts urgently need to solve. 1 Morphological methods 1.1 prokaryotic score Arroyo et al 〔1〕 study suggests that PN score is conducive to the selection of high quality embryos. Scoring of prokaryotes mainly considers prokaryotic