苗圃地的选择 枣树在苗期不耐水湿,喜光忌风。应选择阳光充足、风力小,土层厚、肥力高、排水良好、渗透性强、通气性好、水位较高的砂土或砂壤土为好。 砧木的选择 酸枣是鼠李科枣属的一个变种,实生苗主根当年可达50~70厘米,侧根较发达,耐瘠、抗旱、抗寒,是常用的较理想的砧木。此外,八月
The choice of nursery jujube tree in the seedling water wet, hi avoid windy. Should choose a sunny, windy, thick soil, high fertility, good drainage, permeability, good air permeability, sand or sandy loam higher water is better. Rootstock choice jujube is a species of the genus rhamnosus, seedling root that year up to 50 to 70 cm, more developed lateral roots, drought resistance, drought, is more commonly used as an ideal rootstock. In addition, August