Plot: Sun Taiichi fell in love with the daughter of the teacher Zhu Dayong Japan and the United States. Japan and the United States did not say anything about themselves, Japan and the United States, Zhu Rongda promised to wait a long time on the mouth of the hair again to mention the pro. Sun too seriously. On this day, he stood on the boat under the bridge, shouting loudly toward Zhu Da-rong, saying he had long hair and could marry Japan and the United States. Zhu Da-rong said hair is not counted. Sun Taiyi is a teacher’s misgivings extremely painful. He can not sleep well, can not eat anything, in addition to Japan and the United States all day, what things are not doing well. Zhu Da-rong announced his open enrollment, only those students with good grades, can be his son-in-law. Sun too meal