作者报告用5%扑灭司林霜成功地治愈了1例迄今可能是年龄最小的新生儿疥疮。 一名出生9天的男婴在来急诊室前2天出现皮疹及刺激现象。其下腹部、会阴及大腿有红斑丘疹和脓疮,拟诊“葡萄球菌皮炎”给予头孢氨苄和2%莫匹罗星软膏治疗。12天以后婴儿皮疹泛发、刺激现象加重,再次来急诊室。虽然患儿母亲和其最接近的家庭成员中没有类似发疹,但有一名阿姨在他生后2天与其有过密切接触,很可能将感染传给了他。体检:患儿有泛发性红斑丘疹脓疱性发疹和少数隧道,伴有脱屑。躯干皮肤刮片镜检显示:成熟的疥螨、疥卵
The authors report that one of the youngest neonates, scabies, so far successfully treated with 5% of creams was successfully cured. A 9-day-old baby boy developed rash and irritation 2 days before she came to the emergency room. The lower abdomen, perineal and thigh erythema papules and abscess, the proposed diagnosis of “staphylococcus aureus” given cephalexin and 2% mupirocin ointment treatment. Twelve days later, a baby rash spreads and irritation worsens, returning to the emergency room. Although there was no similar rash in the mother and her closest family member, an aunt who had had close contact with him two days after his birth was likely to pass the infection on to him. Physical examination: children with erythematous erythematosus pustular rash and a few tunnels, accompanied by scaling. Torso skin scrub microscopy showed: mature scabies mites, eggs