Report: The authors analyzed the diagnosis of 123 stage III silicosis (III + T) patients hospitalized in 1968-1983. And with simple stage Ⅲ silicosis were diagnosed. 123 cases were male wind drilling and pry digging. Ⅲ + T, tuberculosis included: 67 cases of cavity type, 32 cases of cheese type, 18 cases of infiltration type and 6 cases of others (focal fibrosis, tuberculous pleurisy). Clinical symptoms: fever in 98 cases, 103 cases of wasting, weak weakness in 116 cases, 119 cases of cough, shortness of breath in 113 cases, 89 cases of hemoptysis, sputum TB positive rate of 58.5%. Hemoptysis was a common symptom of Ⅲ + T, and the rate of hemoptysis was 72.4%. In the same period, only 63.1% of the patients with simple phase Ⅲ silicosis were hospitalized, and most of them were sputum central blood stained or bloody sputum, and Ⅲ +