探索新形态科普读物的研发路径——《加油向未来 科学一起嗨》案例分析

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CCTV-1周日黄金时段播出的大型科学实验节目《加油向未来》引爆了2016年暑期电视荧屏,成为最受关注的现象级综艺节目之一。文章从多种媒体相融合的角度出发,通过对《加油向未来》电视节目台本进行改编和再创作这一案例的剖析,探索传统媒体与新媒体相结合、社会效益与经济效益相统一的新形态科普读物的出版和营销模式。 One of the most watched phenomenal-level variety shows was CCTV-1, a large-scale scientific experimental program broadcast on primetime Sunday Sunday, “fueling the future” and detonating the 2016 summer TV screen. From the perspective of multi-media integration, the article analyzes the case of adaptation and re-creation of “Come to the Future” television programs, and explores new ways to combine traditional media with new media and unify social and economic benefits Form popular science books publication and marketing model.
论述了高寒区低温极压润滑脂的研制与应用过程,从而解决了我国东北、内蒙古等大型露天矿采掘设备的润滑问题。 The development and application of low temperature extreme