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佳能IXUS40 佳能的IXUS系列都以其灵秀的外观,出色的图像质量和简单易用的操作而受到广大MM的青睐。对于喜欢时尚又注重图像质量的用户们来说,IXUS 40给人以全新感觉的时尚便携式数码相机。佳能的IXUS 40整机重量仅为130克,而长宽高尺寸则分别只有86×53×20.7mm,真正做到了可以轻松放到口袋里的地步。保持了IXUS系列相机传统的时尚银灰色外观,但在机器的边角处理上则显得更加的圆润而精致。特别适合于喜欢小巧而精致的MM们使用。机身前部来看,该机保留了IXUS系列相机圆润而简洁的风格,从机身左面向右依次为佳能的金属LOGO标志、镜头,辅助对焦灯、光学取景器和闪光灯。IXUS 40的机身上部,则平行排列着快门/镜头变焦杆和电源开关。同时,佳能的9点人工智能自动对焦系统,更容易让拍摄者体现所拍摄的主体对象,而使相片更加完美。 Canon IXUS40 Canon’s IXUS series with its elegant appearance, excellent image quality and easy-to-use operation by the majority of MM’s favor. For those who like fashion and focus on image quality, IXUS 40 gives a new feeling of fashion portable digital camera. Canon IXUS 40 machine weighs only 130 grams, while the length, width and height dimensions were only 86 × 53 × 20.7mm, really can be easily put in the pocket. Maintaining the traditional, sleek, silver-gray look of the IXUS series of cameras, the rounding of the machine is more rounded and refined. Particularly suitable for small and exquisite like MM who use. The front of the fuselage, the machine retains the rounded and simple style IXUS camera series, from the left to the right side of the fuselage for the Canon metal LOGO signs, lens, auxiliary focus light, optical viewfinder and flash. IXUS 40 fuselage above the parallel arrangement of the shutter / lens zoom lever and the power switch. At the same time, Canon’s 9-point artificial intelligence autofocus system makes it easier for photographers to capture the main subject while making the photo more perfect.
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