实施沿江开发战略,必须充分发挥沿江城镇在沿江大开发中的核心功能,以城镇化服务于沿江开发,以城镇化贯穿于沿江开发,以城镇化促进沿江开发,走出一条“沿江开发工业化、农村建设城镇化、城乡发展一体化”的沿江开发可持续发展之路。一、沿江开发与工业化 工业使人类社会从传
To carry out the strategy of developing the riverside, we must give full play to the core functions of the cities and towns along the Yangtze River in urban development, serve the development along the Yangtze River with urbanization, develop along the Yangtze River with urbanization, promote the development along the Yangtze River with urbanization, and emerge from a “industrialization and rural development along the Yangtze River Building urbanization, integration of urban and rural development, ”the development of sustainable development along the Yangtze River. First, along the river development and industrialization of industrialized human society