“这个工作室所在的小楼位于瑞士的中部地区.始建于19世纪.最初是一家小旅馆,上世纪40年代中期.它摇身一变成了一栋公寓楼。如今,我们只用了很低的成本.就将它改造成一个开放的工作室。在室内设计上.我们或多或少地让它表现得更为实用.并且把员工的服务区域.办公设备等放置于中央部位,以方便员工复印.发送传真等必要的工作活动。我坐在离入口较近且居中的位置上.这是我喜欢的一块领地.很开放.也很宽敞.但一切又近在咫尺.它使我想起在波士顿住在 Loft 时的感觉。那高高的屋顶.让我放飞思想.自由驰骋。这样的环境对于激发我们的想象.十分重要。”和大多数建筑师事务所相似的是.这间工作室到处是宽大的桌子.所不同的.是这些桌子以围合的状念分布.不但没有堵塞空间.反倒让人有足够的活动余地.并且体会到其中充满合作氛围的团队精神。工作室内有8名建筑师.他们大都以合伙人
“The small building where this studio is located is located in the central region of Switzerland. It was built in the 19th century. It was originally a small hotel, in the mid-40s of last century. It transformed into an apartment building. Today, we only use a very low price.” The cost. It will be transformed into an open studio. In the interior design. We more or less let it behave more practical. And put the employee’s service area. Office equipment, etc. placed in the center, to facilitate Staff copying. Sending faxes and other necessary work activities. I was sitting close to the entrance and centered. This is a place I like. Very open. It is also spacious. But everything is close at hand. It reminds me of The feeling when I lived in Boston at Loft. That high roof. Let me free my mind and fly freely. This kind of environment is very important for inspiring our imagination." Similar to most architects’ offices. The studio is full of spacious tables. The difference is that these tables are distributed in a circumscribed manner. Not only do they not block the space. Instead, they give people enough room for action. They also feel that they are full of cooperative spirit. There are 8 architects in the studio. Most of them are partners.