目的:探索利用髓室作固位形的嵌体冠在临床冠高度不足的磨牙残冠中的应用效果。方法选择30例髓腔深大,临床冠高度小于3mm的磨牙残冠,经完善根管治疗后,在髓室内制备箱型固位形,利用髓室作为主要固位形,制作带嵌体的全冠修复。结果30颗患牙随访2年,无全冠松动、脱落,仅1例发生边缘性龈炎。结论髓室固位的嵌体冠可用于髓腔深大的临床短磨牙残冠修复。“,”Objective:To investigate the application ef ect of Inlay-crown with pulp chamber retention in residual molar crown without enough height. Method:Select 30 residual molar crowns with deep and large pulp cavity and the height is lower than 3mm. After perfect endodontic therapy, make box retention form in Pulp chamber, and use the pulp chamber as major retention to make the ful-crown restoration with Inlay-crown. Result:Residual short molar crown were restored successful y in al cases with no crown loose or fal of except one occurs marginal gingivitis after 2 years fol ow up of 30 cases. Conclusion:Inlay-crown with pulp chamber retention can be applied to clinical restoration of residual short molar crown with deep and large pulp cavity.