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1993年,水利部党组创造性地提出了建设“五大体系”的水利经济体制改革新思路,建立科学合理的水利价格收费体系是其重要内容和组成部分之一。1993年以来,水利价格改革最大的变化首先是人们思想观念上的转变。在社会主义市场经济大潮的冲击下,水利系统各部门、各单位的观念发生了深刻变化,逐步认识到水利不改革、不建立良性循环机制是没有出路的。各级水利部门逐步改变了长期计划经济体制下形成 In 1993, the party branch of the Ministry of Water Resources creatively proposed a new idea of ​​building a water conservancy economic system to build a “five systems” and establishing a scientific and rational water pricing charging system is one of the important contents and components. Since 1993, the biggest change in water conservancy price reform is, above all, a shift in people’s ideas and concepts. Under the impact of the tide of socialist market economy, profound changes have taken place in the concepts of various departments and units in the water conservancy system, realizing that there is no alternative for water conservancy not to reform and not to establish a virtuous cycle mechanism. Water conservancy departments at all levels have gradually changed their form under the long-term planned economic system
The 14th Dalai Lama fled the country in 1959,embarking on a criminal path of betraying the Chinese nation and separating the motherland by turning to foreign T
<正> 1. Central topics discussed at the symposium and brief report of proceedings1.1 The Symposium on the Study of Modern Chinese Grammar was held on March 18-22, 1991 at Qinghuayuan Hotel in Beijing, under the joint auspices of the editorial depart
国庆60周年大庆背景下推出的“下访”制度,能否改变当前的信访追究格局?    2009年8月24日,星期一,北京。齐振明一大早就来到位于永定桥附近的国家信访局接待司。齐是河北省晋州市周家庄乡信访助理,此前一天,他接到上级部门的电话,有6个村民因举报村里的账目问题进了京,要求一定要“劝回来”。  自从接任信访助理一职后,齐振明每年都要往返北京好几趟,就为了把这些“告御状”的人“劝回去”。  这是个耗
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