In 1979, there were 30 casualty explosions in the underground mine of metallurgical mines (doubling those in 1978), 41 deaths (up 50% over 1978) and 26 wounded people. The problem is grave. Among them, due to a single igniter did not leave the gun rang caused 19, blinding, cannon caused by 7, see the back of the gun caused by 2, when the patio blasting out from the jar hole hit lethal 1, hit the funnel when the blind gun untreated funnel installed with a welding explosion caused by 1. These accidents were mostly caused by violating the provisions of Article 59 and Article 52 of the Provisional Regulations on the Safety of Blasting and Explosive Production in Metallurgical Mines and were basically repeated accidents. Of the above accidents, 70% were attributable to a single ignition blast and a lookback gun, of which mainly due to single