患者,女性.29岁,因发现左颈侧肿物4年,颈前区肿大1年入院。入院时体查左颈侧可及一约2×2 cm包块,可活动,无压痛。双侧甲状腺Ⅰ度肿大,左甲状腺下极可及约3×2 cm包块,质中,无压痛,随吞咽上下移动。放射性同位素扫描示左甲状腺下极冷结节。B超示左侧甲状腺见3个实性光团,右侧未见异常。拟甲状腺癌于1993年3月17日
The patient, female, was 29 years old and was admitted to the hospital 1 year after swelling of the anterior cervical region due to the finding of a left neck mass for 4 years. Physical examination on the left side of the neck can be about 2 × 2 cm mass, can be active, no tenderness. The degree of bilateral thyroid enlargement, the left lower thyroid can reach about 3 × 2 cm mass, quality, no tenderness, move up and down with swallowing. The radioisotope scan showed cold left nodule in the thyroid gland. B-ultrasound showed that there were 3 solid light groups in the left thyroid gland, and no abnormalities were seen on the right side. Pseudothyroid cancer on March 17, 1993