The rice varieties were evaluated for their ability to respond to potassium deficiency, sensitivity to potash fertilizer and ability to adapt to low potassium environment (Grade 5), and to evaluate the tolerance of rice varieties to potassium deficiency under indoor or field potassium deficiency. A total of 34 cultivars with high tolerance were screened from 439 rice lines. Some cultivars were planted on potassium deficient soil (the average soil available potassium was 65ppm). Under the condition of no potassium or less potassium application, Yield 10% ~ 15%. The results of soil culture and hydroponic culture showed that in the low potassium environment, the tolerant cultivars absorbed more than 29% more potassium, 10% more potassium and 7% more potassium than the susceptible cultivars. The use of low critical concentration, absorption and utilization of slow potassium, which is closely related to the quality and quantity of root growth. In particular, late growth, strong root activity, plant growth is not premature. This is a good trait of low potassium tolerant species.