
来源 :河南预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIZHAOAA
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本文报导我院在1989年3月—7月对1327名妇女进行了良性乳腺腺病患病情况及有关因素调查,共检出460例乳腺腺病患者,患病率34.66%。患病年龄以30岁—44岁最为多见,乳腺腺病者经前精神紧张症发生率19.24%,无乳腺腺病者经前精神紧张症发生率12.30%,经统计学处理,二者有极显著的差异,这对乳腺病病因的探讨,有一定参考价值。 This article reports our hospital in March-July 1989 on 1327 women were benign breast adenosis prevalence and related factors survey, a total of 460 cases of breast adenosis were detected, the prevalence rate of 34.66%. The prevalence of age to 30 years old -44 years of age the most common, breast adenosis premenstrual rate of 19.24% of patients with mental illness, no breast adenosis premenstrual rate of 12.30%, by statistical analysis, both Very significant differences, which explore the etiology of breast disease, there is a certain reference value.
家住上海南昌路的傅引珍老人,出生于光绪二十二年,虽然历经一百余年的风风雨雨,但依然记忆清晰,思路敏捷。  傅老太虽然年逾百岁,但体内新陈代谢和肠胃的消化能力很好,饮食也颇为奇特。她一天用餐五至六顿,菜基本上以荤菜为主,一碗粥、一个馒头、两块带鱼、半个茶叶蛋,再加上几片白切猪肉或牛肉,吃得有滋有味。此外,鸭蛋、熏鱼等荤食也是她喜爱的食品。半夜12点左右,还要来上一点萨琪玛或饼干作为夜点心。要说素食,