中船第九设计研究院具有船舶、机械、建筑、水运、兵器、市政给排水、环保及环境工程评价等工程设计甲级资质,是我国最具规模的综合性设计研究院之一,是全国勘察设计百强单位之一。院工会以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,突出履行维护职工合法权益的基本职责, 始终坚持党的全心全意依靠职工办企业的方针,提高职工素质,保护调动和发挥好职工的积极性、创造性,为九院的改革、发展和稳定,为实现中船集团公司五三一规划目标作出应有的贡献。
China Shipbuilding Ninth Design and Research Institute with Class A qualification of engineering design of ships, machinery, construction, water transport, weapons, municipal water supply and drainage, environmental protection and environmental engineering evaluation is one of the largest comprehensive design and research institutes in China, Survey and design one of the top 100 units. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the “Three Represents,” the unions attach great importance to fulfilling their basic duties of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and workers. They always uphold the party’s principle of relying on employees to run enterprises, improving the quality of staff and workers, and protecting and mobilizing the enthusiasm of staff and workers , Creative, and make due contributions to the reform, development and stability of the nine courtyards and the achievement of the 51st Plan of China Shipbuilding Corporation.