在高层建筑中,电梯是必备的垂直交通工具,可是在施工电梯井时,有的要求基坑设排水坑,有的没有要求,有的说消防梯的排水坑也取消了,众说纷纭,那到底哪些电梯基坑需要设排水坑,哪些不需要设置呢?1.规范解释GB 50016—2014《建筑设计防火规范》7.3.7条
In high-rise buildings, the elevator is an essential vertical transport, but in the construction of the elevator shaft, some require foundation pit drainage pits, and some did not request, and some said that the fire escape pits are also canceled, divergent views, that Which elevator pit in the end need to set drainage pits, which do not need to set it? 1. Code to explain GB 50016-2014 “Code of Architectural Design,” 7.3.7