The three-phase main tower of China World Trade Center in Beijing is 330m high, including a five-star hotel and Grade A office building. The main difficulty of structural design is how to construct the super high-rise building in this high-intensity area in Beijing. How to consider the safety and economy of the structure synthetically? In the process of structure design, various types of structures and the use of different materials are discussed the study. The final structural system is a combination of support frame core tube and the combination of rigid frame around the cylinder, in the electromechanical layer and then by the boom truss to connect the inner and outer cylinder. As the tower façade width gradually smaller, the structure of the three-tier waist trusses, and the number of pillars between the waist truss gradually reduced. At the bottom of the tower is a V-shaped column of 8-storey high-conversion trusses that meets the architectural requirements of the ambitious main entrance of five-star hotels and Grade A offices while smoothly transitioning to the upper quarter frame . Structural systems in accordance with the different parts of the relative use of various types of composite components to meet the stiffness, ductility and redundancy requirements, and achieve the best cost performance. A new type of C-SPW structural system has been applied on a large scale to increase the shear strength and stiffness of shear walls and to improve ductility. Finite element analysis and nonlinear elasto-plastic time history analysis are used in the structural design to evaluate the performance of the structure and to ensure the safety of the building under different seismic levels.