去年十二月五日,在省二次文代会开幕式上,省委第一书记马文瑞同志向与会代表作了题为《坚持马克思主义文艺思想,繁荣社会主义文学艺术》的重要讲话。在这篇讲话中,马文瑞同志就秦腔的创新与改革问题,向我省的广大文艺工作者,尤其是秦腔艺术工作者提出了殷切的希望。他说: 秦腔这个古老的剧种,更应该在创新和改革上大做文章。内容要改,唱腔要改,音乐设计要改,表演要改,舞台也要改。不创新就不能前进,不改
On December 5 last year, at the opening ceremony of the Second Provincial Assembly of the People’s Republic of China, Comrade Ma Wenrui, first secretary of the provincial party committee, made an important speech entitled “Upholding Marxist Literary Thought and Prospering Socialist Literature and Art” to the participating delegates. In this speech, Comrade Marvin Rui raised his ardent hopes for the vast number of literary and art workers in our province, especially the artists of the Shaanxi Opera, with regard to the innovation and reform of the Shaanxi Opera. He said: The ancient opera in Shaanxi Province should make a big fuss about innovation and reform. The content should be changed, the singing should be changed, the music design should be changed, the performance should be changed, and the stage also changed. No innovation can not move forward, do not change