Organic Matter Decomposition in Red Soil as Affected by Earthworms

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The earthworms Pheretima carnosaf Drawida gisti and Eisenia foetida were studied to compare theircontributions to the decomposition of various organic materials surface-applied on red soil in a 165-daygreenhouse experiment. The native species Pheretima caruosa and Drawida gisti were equally effective inaccelerating the decomposition of maize residue, according to fresh body weight, while commercial speciesEisenia foetida had no significant influence on dry mass loss of maize residue. Liming with CaCO3 or CaOshowed little effect on maize residue breakdown involved by Pheretima carnosal but it inhibited this processinvolved by Drawida gisti. The capability of Pheretima carnosa to the decomposition of five kinds of organicmaterials was thoroughly examined. The dry mass losses in worm treatments were in the order of soybeanresidue > maize residue > pig manure > semi-decayed maize > ryegrass. However, the relative contributionsof the earthworm to dry mass loss were in the order of pig manure (89.8%) > semi-decayed maize residue(49.1%) > maize residue (29.4%) > soybean residue (20.9%) > ryegrass residue (16.5%). Pheretima carnosaconsumed 20~120 mg dry weight of organic material per gram fresh weight of biomass per day. The earthworms Pheretima carnosaf Drawida gisti and Eisenia foetida were studied to compare theircontributions to the decomposition of various organic materials surface-applied on red soil in a 165-daygreenhouse experiment. The native species Pheretima caruosa and Drawida gisti were equally effective inaccelerating the decomposition of maize residue, according to fresh body weight, while commercial speciesEisenia foetida had no significant influence on dry mass loss of maize residue. Liming with CaCO3 or CaOshowed little effect on maize residue breakdown involved by Pheretima carnosal but it inhibited this processinvolved by Drawida gisti. The capability of Pheretima carnosa to the decomposition of five kinds of organicmaterials was thoroughly examined. The dry mass losses in worm treatments were in the order of soybeanresidue> maize residue> pig manure> semi-decayed maize> ryegrass. However, the relative contributions of the earthworm to dry mass loss were in the order of pig manur Pheretima carnosaconsumed 20 ~ 120 mg dry weight of organic material per gram (e) (89.8%)> semi-decayed maize residue (49.1%)> maize residue (29.4% fresh weight of biomass per day.
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