The Conflict and Reconciliation between the Two Societies——An Interpretation of the Novel \\"

来源 :福建教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhmlivefor47
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For a long time Indians have remained a mystery to people not only in America but also in rrrrrrrrrnother parts of the world.The little that is known about them certainly makes people want to know a great deal rrrrrrrrrnmore. Indian’s unique culture,customs and values are exciting the immense interest of all. Under such cirrrrrrrrrrncumstances the novel“! Heard the Owl Call My Name”written by Margaret Craven achieves much popularity rrrrrrrrrnand captures great attention of all. The focus of this paper is on the cultural conflict and reconciliation berrrrrrrrrntween Indians and the non-native people. For a long time Indians have been a mystery to people not only in America but also in r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r not r parts of the world The little that is known about them sure makes people want to know a great deal r r r r r r r r nmore. Indian’s unique culture, customs and values ​​are exciting the immense interest of all. Under such cir r r r r r r r r r n nums the novel “! Heard the Owl Call My Name ” written by Margaret Craven achieves much sought r r r r r r r r r nand captures great attention of all. The focus of this paper is on the cultural conflict and reconciliation be r r r r r r r r r ntween Indians and the non-native people.
“Mom,look,MoM!”(“妈妈 ,看 ,‘妈妈’ !”)小孩牵着妈妈的手 ,一转过纽约第五大道和五十三街的街角 ,便看见迎风飘拂的垂幡上斗大的“MoM"字样。顺着孩子的手指 ,做妈妈的这才发现 ,平日里
还记得10年前第一次读《火 星公主》时的感受:离奇、 荒唐而又不乏情趣——那会儿我对伯勒斯其人一无所知,也未真正认识到他这部作品的价值及其在科幻史上的地位。10年后,我
又到岁末辞旧迎新的时候,对于有小宝宝的家庭来说,在新年来临之际给宝宝布置一下房间,添置新的用品和衣物,让宝宝也感受新年的气氛,是一件必不可少的事情。 At the end of t