来自湖北省出入境检验检疫局的检验报告日前显示 ,湖北从境外进口的废纸污染严重 ,每克废纸中细菌总数最高达1 4万个。其中不仅携带对人体及农林有害的病菌、啮齿动物 ,而且夹杂大量“洋垃圾”。有关方面呼吁 ,加强监管迫在眉睫。湖北造纸业进口的废纸 ,数量大、批次多 ,进口的
Inspection reports from the Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Hubei Province showed recently that the polluted waste paper imported from outside Hubei Province is seriously polluted, with a total of up to 140,000 bacteria per gram of waste paper. Which not only carry harmful bacteria and rodents on the human body and agriculture and forestry, but also a large number of “foreign garbage.” Appeal on the parties concerned, to strengthen supervision is imminent. Paper imports in Hubei waste paper, large quantities, lots and imports