下面这道计算题对于开阔学生思路、提高全面分析和解决问题的能力,很有益处。 [题目]把3.84克铜投入盛有一定量浓硝酸的试管中,当在标准状况下收集到1.642升气体时,金属铜恰好全部消耗。写出有关的化学方程式并求反应中消耗硝酸的物质的量。
The following calculation questions are useful for broadening student thinking, improving overall analysis and solving problems. [topic] 3.84g of copper was put into a test tube containing a certain amount of concentrated nitric acid. When 1.642 litres of gas were collected under standard conditions, the metal copper was completely consumed. Write the relevant chemical equations and find the amount of substance that consumes nitric acid in the reaction.