很偶然的机会认识了施恒,当时朋友这样介绍他:“这个施恒很了不起,在法国短短的几年,就把那里的声乐大奖拿了个遍!”然而,在法国古典音乐界如鱼得水的施恒,却在2009年时回到他所热爱的母校上海音乐学院做了一名教书匠。回国之前,施恒去和巴黎国立音乐学院的导师佩姬·布夫雷(Peggy Bouveret)告别,老师听到施恒的决定,眼泪立刻就掉了下来:“你现在的事业蒸蒸日上,为什么不继续发展下去呢?”施恒安慰老师:“我现在是法国政府授予的特殊人才,
Very occasionally met by Shi Heng, friends introduced him this way: ”This Shiheng great, in France just a few years, where the vocal award took over!“ However, in the French classical music Shi Heng, a well-established community, returned to his beloved alma mater, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, in 2009 as a teacher. Before he returned to China, Shi Heng went to bid farewell to Peggy Bouveret, the mentor of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris. When the teacher heard Shi Heng’s decision, his tears fell immediately: ”Your current career is booming. Why not Continue to develop? “Shiheng comfort teacher: ” I am now a special talent granted by the French government,