1988年5月我们在平江乡用里沃村调查人体寄生虫病时首次发现1例粪类圆线虫病,现报告如下: 患者,男,67岁,绍兴县人。从17岁开始从事兽医工作,无外出史.临床表现:面部消瘦明显,皮肤干燥微黄,呈轻度贫血貌,常有头晕、乏力,近几年来出现腹部隐痛、腹胀、大便次数增多(2~3次/d),软便、糊状便或水样便,量少。体检:肝肋下未及,两肺呼吸音粗糙,以左肺更甚。实验室检查:WBC 5.85×10~9/L,RBC 3.18~10~(12)/L,Hb 105g/L;分类:N 0.78、L0.22,E0.12,肝功能无异常。X光胸透:两肺纹理增粗,诊为支气管炎。用Kato法检查发现粪便中蛔虫卵“+”。新鲜粪便碘液
In 1988 May we found the first case of stool nematodes in the investigation of human parasitic diseases in the village of Lijiang in Pingjiang Township, the report is as follows: The patient, male, 67 years old, Shaoxing County. From the age of 17 engaged in veterinary work, no outside history. Clinical manifestations: obvious facial weight loss, skin yellowish mild, mild anemia appearance, often dizziness, fatigue, abdominal pain in recent years, abdominal distension, increased stool frequency (2 ~ 3 times / d), soft stools, pasty or watery stool, less. Physical examination: liver under the ribs and the lungs, rough breathing sounds to the left lung even worse. Laboratory tests: WBC 5.85 × 10 ~ 9 / L, RBC 3.18 ~ 10 ~ (12) / L, Hb 105g / L; classification: N 0.78, L0.22, E0.12, no abnormal liver function. X-ray chest: two lungs thickening, diagnosed as bronchitis. Ascaris egg “+” in feces was detected by Kato method. Fresh stool iodine