
来源 :金田 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongjuanqiu
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青年体育教师是学校体育教育工作的重要力量,也是学校体育改革与发展的希望之所在。因此,加强青年体育教师的入职教育与培养,是加强体育师资队伍建设、适应现代社会发展和学校教育改革的迫切要求。本文从青年体育教师的入职现状出发,论述了加强青年体育教师入职教育与培养的必要性,进而提出加强青年体育教师入职教育与培养的途径和方法,旨在更好地提高这一群体的整体素质,推进学校体育健康发展。 Young PE teachers are an important force in PE education in schools and also the hope of PE reform and development in schools. Therefore, strengthening the education and training of young PE teachers is an urgent requirement to strengthen the construction of PE faculty members and adapt to the development of modern society and school education. Based on the current situation of the entry of young PE teachers, this paper discusses the necessity of strengthening the entry of young PE teachers into education and training, and then puts forward ways and methods to strengthen the education and training of young PE teachers with the aim of improving the overall quality of this group Quality, promote the healthy development of school sports.
班主任工作的调节作用就是班主任要耐心、细致地引导和指导,逐渐培养起学生良好的思想品德和正确的人生观。在教师和学生之间也是最为关键的一环,起着重要的调节作用。 The