
来源 :华北民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanyanbing
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河北滨河房地产开发股份有限公司,是邢台市一家大型民营企业。该公司党委“一班人”在改革大潮中,勇立潮头,拼搏进取,取得了辉煌的业绩。他们致富不忘国防,2002年9月主动提出建立了邢台市第一个民营企业武装部,组建了民兵营,并建成了一流的民兵活动阵地。今年又投资几十万元筹建了邢台市第一个民营企业国防教育中心,并免费向社会各界开放。公司党委十分重视发挥民兵队伍在生产建设、社区精神文明建设和维护社会治安等方面的作用,在实践中锻炼从伍,提高素质。在今年抗击非典斗争中,滨河民兵始终战斗在第一线,较好地发挥了“卫士”作用。公司武装部被河北省政府、省军区评为城市民兵工作先进单位和抗击非典先进单位。 Hebei Binhe Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., is a large Xingtai private enterprises. The party committee of the company “a group of people” in the tide of reform, Yong forefront, hard work and enterprising, has made brilliant achievements. They did not forget about their national defense. In September 2002, they voluntarily proposed the establishment of the armed forces department of the first private enterprise in Xingtai City, the formation of a militia camp and the establishment of a first-class militia position. This year, it has invested hundreds of thousands of yuan to build the first national defense and education center for private enterprises in Xingtai City and has been open to all sectors of society for free. The party committee of the company attaches great importance to giving play to the role of the militia team in production and construction, the spiritual and spiritual construction of the community, and the maintenance of social order and so on. In practice, they exercise their own part and improve their qualities. In this year’s fight against atypical pneumonia, the Binhe militia has always fought in the front line and played a better role as a defender. The armed forces of the company was appraised as the advanced unit of city militia and the advanced unit against SARS by the Hebei provincial government and the provincial military region.
这是一个关于“抱怨”的故事。迈克尔天生有缺陷,其缺陷并不明显。出生之日,连最细心的护士也没发现他身体的畸形。乍一看,他似乎堪称正常。然而,有些地方却被忽略了 This i