60年代初,我在外交部新闻司主管掌握最新国际动向的工作。我们直接收用全世界各主要通讯社电稿,24小时不停。白天黑夜,不时有有关部门向我们查询消息。 1963年5月1日深夜,我接到总理办公室电话,周恩来总理要我携带几小时前国际传出的有关我国远洋航轮“跃进号”在公海失事的材料前去汇报。我和新闻司一位同事一同赶到总理办公室。总理办公室的值班秘书告诉我们总理刚休息,要我们稍候。大约过了半小时,秘书通知我们,总理已经休息好,让我们进去。跨过一条走廊,我们走进总理办公室的外间。那里有一张一般的会议桌,周围放着大约八张或十张椅子,我们就在桌子的一边坐下。从我们坐的地方可以看到里面一间,总理正坐在一张大书桌
In the early 1960s, I was in charge of keeping up with the latest international trends in the Information Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We directly receive the major news agencies around the world draft, 24 hours non-stop. Day and night, from time to time have the relevant departments to check our news. Late on May 1, 1963, I received a telephone call from the Prime Minister’s office. Premier Chou En-lai asked me to report a few hours ago an internationally-transmitted material on the oceans on which China’s ocean-going ship “Yuejin” had crashed. I went to the office of the Prime Minister with a colleague from the Information Department. The secretary on duty at the prime minister’s office told us the prime minister just had a rest and asked us to wait. About half an hour later, the secretary informed us that the Prime Minister had rested and let us in. Across a corridor, we went outside the Prime Minister’s office. There was an ordinary conference table with around eight or ten chairs around and we sat down on the side of the table. Inside we can see one sitting inside, the Prime Minister is sitting on a large desk