
来源 :土壤学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wocaonimababa
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潮土是直接发育在河流沉积物上,受地下水活动影响,经不断耕种熟化而成的一类土壤。国际上通常称为冲积土或河积土。根据成土母质特性及时间因素所反映的成土过程及其属性,分别进行土纲、土类和亚类等高级分类单元的划分,至于基层分类的各级单元尚缺乏系统研究资料以供参考。 Clay is a kind of soil which is directly developed on river sediments and affected by groundwater activities and cultivated through continuous cultivation. Internationally known as alluvial or river fill. According to the characteristics of soil parent material and time factors reflect the process of soil formation and its attributes, respectively, soil class, soil and sub-class classification of advanced taxa, as the grass-roots units at all levels of classification is still a lack of systematic research for reference .