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在现代反恐作战行动中,恐怖分子劫持人质后常常会隐匿在建筑物内进行抵抗,由于建筑物有坚固的墙壁、铁门或木门,给部队反劫持作战造成了很大困难。为了实现“突得进”的要求,必须克服这些障碍并最大限度地保护人质安全。因此在反劫持行动中,作战队员使用的突击武器必须具有很强的排爆破障效能,以便为突击队员快速突入创造良机;同时,结合反劫持作战的特点,使用的武器必须尽量减少对人员和财产的附带损伤。 In modern anti-terrorism operations, terrorists often hide themselves in buildings after their hostage-taking. As the buildings have strong walls, iron gates or wooden doors, it has caused great difficulties for the anti-hijacking of troops. In order to achieve the goal of “making progress”, we must overcome these obstacles and maximize the security of the hostages. Therefore, in anti-hijacking operations, the assault weapons used by the combatant personnel must have strong blasting-defeating effectiveness so as to create an opportunity for the rapid invasion of the commandos. In the meantime, in combination with the anti-hijacking operation, the weapons used must minimize personnel and Incidental damage to property
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新的外国记者采访条例从  《北京奥运会及其筹备期间外国记者在华采访规定》“固定下来”的成果是:对1990年《管理条例》中的“五个限制”的几个方面都进行了改变,取消了一些不必要的限制。  第一,取消了特批采访开放区的规定。这次外交部发言人指出:根据西藏自治区有关规定,外国记者赴西藏采访应当向西藏自治区外办申请办理“进藏批准函”。但是《北京奥运会及其筹备期间外国记者在华采访规定》和新采访条例中都没有规
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Tip clearance leakage flow in a radial inflow turbine rotor for microturbines under the stage environment is investigated using a three-dimensional viscous flow