1病例介绍患者女,57岁。因“发作性呼之不应、四肢抽搐9 d,发作性恐惧感8 d”于2013年2月25日入我院。患者入院前9 d无明显诱因睡眠中突然大叫一声、发笑、自言自语后出现呼之不应、四肢强直抽搐、牙关紧闭、口吐白沫、双眼紧闭,伴小便失禁,无双眼凝视、舌咬伤,持续10 min左右抽搐停止,约30 min后呼之能应,转醒后对发作情况不能回忆。患者逐渐出现言语减少,记忆力下降,并出现发作性恐惧感、面部麻木、声音颤抖、欲哭泣,数秒后缓解,每日发作数次到数十次不等。无头痛、发热、幻觉、肢体感觉活动障碍等。患者既往史及个人史无特殊。入院后腰椎穿刺:脑脊液清亮,压力正常[143 mm H2O(1 mm H2O=0.009 8 k Pa)];脑脊液常
1 case description Female patient, 57 years old. Because of “paroxysm should not be called, limbs twitch 9 d, episodic fear 8 d ” on February 25, 2013 into our hospital. 9 d before admission, there was no obvious incentive to sleep suddenly shouted, laughing, talking to him should not be appeased, limbs tonic twitch, teeth closed, foaming at the mouth, eyes closed with incontinence, no Eyes stare, tongue bites, convulsions for about 10 min to stop, about 30 minutes after the call can be, wake up after the attack can not recall. Patients gradually decreased speech, memory loss, and the onset of fear, facial numbness, voice trembling, crying, ease after a few seconds, the number of attacks per day to dozens of times. No headache, fever, hallucinations, physical activity disorders and so on. Past history and personal history of patients with no special. Lumbar puncture after admission: clear, normal cerebrospinal fluid pressure [143 mm H2O (1 mm H2O = 0.009 8 kPa)]; cerebrospinal fluid