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在张醒生演讲时,有人在微博上说他的气场很强。我想,这除了年龄和阅历的厚度,还有50后人所共有的将自己的人生起伏与国家命运紧紧相连的自觉。在他的演讲中,提到他人生中几个重要的点,无不是中国在几十年里发展的关键时刻。从1973~1974年的白卷先生,到1978~1979年开始百年来新一轮的改革开放;从1989年的个人和国家的低谷到1999年中国加入WTO;2003年非典,这也是中国开始国家战略转型的时刻;从2004年阿拉善SEE成立,一直到2008年四川地震全民大救援,这是从中国企业家先行者的公益行动到2008年因重大灾害事件促进全民公益启蒙的一个变迁历程。他在大半生里不断变换战场,不断创新或者跨界,从张醒生由商业高管到公益领袖的经历,年轻的读者们也可窥见国家过去几十年发展的脉络与走向。 During his speech at Zhang Xingsheng, someone said on the Weibo that his aura was strong. I think this addition to the thickness of the age and experience, there are 50 generations of people share their own ups and downs of life and the fate of the nation closely linked to consciousness. In his speech, mentioning several important points in his life is a crucial moment for China’s development in decades. From 1978 to 1974, Mr. Bai Juan started a new round of reform and opening up for a hundred years from 1978 to 1979; from the trough of individuals and countries in 1989 to China’s entry into the WTO in 1999; and at the SARS in 2003, this is also the reason why China started its national strategy Transition from the 2004 Alashan SEE was established until 2008, the Sichuan earthquake rescue the people, this is from the Chinese entrepreneurs pioneer public action until 2008 due to major disasters to promote universal public welfare enlightenment of a vicissitudes of history. During most of his life, he constantly changes the battlefield, innovates or crosses the boundaries. From Zhang Xingsheng’s business executives to charity leaders, young readers can also get a glimpse of the development context and direction of the country over the past few decades.