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晨曦揭开兰州的面纱时,沉静一夜的城市又恢复了喧哗。不管是叫“馒”还是“馕”的面食,被撕裂后泡在诱人的羊肉汤里,任谁走过都会馋涎欲滴。几千年来,兰州人爱吃面食的习惯,一直被这简单却又日复一日的腾腾热气传递着。2000多年前,一位叫张骞的陕西汉中人,走出西安城门,宣扬国威,互通有无。寻找一个可以通天的世界,既是帝王的睿智,更是一个民族持之以恒的信念。当他跨过渭 When the dawn opened the veil of Lanzhou, the calm night city resumed its noise. Whether it is called “bread ” or “馕 ” pasta, was torn bubble in the tempting mutton soup, who walked will be greedy. For thousands of years, Lanzhou people love the habit of pasta, has been this simple but day after day of heat transfer. More than 2000 years ago, Hanzhong, a man from Shaanxi who was named Zhang Qian, stepped out of the city gate of Xi’an to preach the prestige of the nation and exchange of ideas. Looking for a world that can be heaven-savored is not only the wisdom of the emperors, but also the conviction of a people’s perseverance. When he crossed the Wei