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20世纪80年代以来,国家在通过各专业银行组织国际银团外汇贷款为国家经济建设筹措资金的同时,也提倡和鼓励各银行积极开展跨地区、跨行业的境内银团贷款业务。银团贷款对于那些需求巨额资金的建设项目具有不可替代的作用。在国际金融市场上,银团贷款是银行的一个普通金融服务品种。我国加入世界贸易组织后,随着金融市场的逐步开放,银团贷款将成为银行间激烈竞争的一个领域。从现状看,我国开展银团贷款的领域和业务并不多,一些银行对于在银团贷款中如何确立自己的权利义务以及如何运用法律手段保护自身的利益并不熟悉,这必然会制约银行在这一金融服务品种中的竞争能力。徐斌律师曾承办了若干银团贷款项目,对银团贷款法律事务有着切身的体会,本期律师专访请徐律师就银团贷款怎样合规运行发表一些有价值的见解,以期对商业银行开展这项业务有所借鉴。——编者 Since the 1980s, the state has also advocated and encouraged banks to actively carry out cross-regional and cross-industry syndicated loan business while financing the national economic construction through organizing international syndicated foreign exchange loans through specialized banks. Syndicated loans have an irreplaceable effect on construction projects that demand huge amounts of money. In international financial markets, syndicated loans are a common category of financial services for banks. After China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, with the gradual opening up of financial markets, syndicated loans will become an area of ​​fierce competition among banks. Judging from the current situation, there are not many areas and businesses for carrying out syndicated loans in our country. Some banks are not familiar with how to establish their own rights and obligations in syndicated loans and how to use legal means to protect their own interests, which will inevitably restrict the banks in this Competitiveness in Financial Services Varieties. Mr. Xu Bin has undertaken a number of syndicated loan projects and has an immediate understanding of the legal affairs of syndicated loans. In this issue, he solicits an interview with Xu on how to run syndicated loans with due diligence in order to carry out the business on commercial banks Learn from --editor
雪,继续在古老的京城飞舞着,漫天的白,天与地。远远地,一骑轿车踏雪而行,迤逦而来,熠熠的四环在黑与白的背景下格外耀目——奥迪,彰显身份与品位的车族尊者。 “奥妙存在于
当国庆的礼炮响过不久,一场涉及省、地、县三级行资产管理中心、公司业务、信贷管理、科技等业务部门,涉及贷款4000多万的攻坚战胜利告捷 When the National Day salute ove