新生儿坏死性肠炎(Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis,简称N、E、C,)旱在1825年siebold和1891年Genersich等即有报导,但是真正对本病引起重视和研究还是从本世纪的60年代初开始。1964年Berdon等第一次对NEC作了详细的叙述,以后有关研究文献屡见报告。所有作者一致认为本病的发病数是
Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis (N, E, C) drought was reported in Siebold in 1825 and Genersich in 1891, but the real attention and research on this disease has been started from the early 1960s . For the first time, Berdon et al. Described the NEC in 1964 and made frequent reports on the research literature afterwards. All authors agree that the incidence of this disease is