
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingxue27
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庙节是毛难族人民一年一度的盛大的传统节日。每到庙节,毛难山乡千山百(三弄),家家户户都蒸起五色糯饭和粉蒸肉,折回柳枝插在中堂,把五色糯饭捏成小团团,密密麻麻地粘于其上,表示农家当年硕果累累,五谷丰登。这一天,男女老少,个个穿起节日盛装,他们用发多[注]包起五色糯饭和粉蒸肉,装在最新最好的竹篮里去走亲访友。妇女们在节日的前夜,经过一个通宵准备好节日的吃用之后,也欢欢喜喜地带着儿女走回娘家与父母兄弟姐妹团聚。毛难族的庙节,以毛难山乡的铁坳为界,铁坳以下为下团,铁坳以上 Temple festival is an annual grand tradition of the Mao people. Every temple festival, Mao Shan Shan Qianshan 100 (three get), every household steaming colored glutinous rice and flour steamed meat, fold back Willow inserted in the hall, the colored glutinous rice kneaded into small groups, densely stick to it, That farm fruitful, bumper grain harvest. On this day, all men, women and children, dressed in festive costumes, used a lot of colored rice and steamed pork meat in their hair and packed them in the latest and best bamboo basket for visiting relatives and friends. On the eve of the festival, after an overnight holiday ready for eating, women happily took their children back to their parents and reunited with their siblings. Mao’s immortal temple festival to Maoyan Township iron col as a boundary, the iron below the following group, iron over
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In an attempt to eradicate high energy consumption in the course of ethylene glycol production,the team engaging in the ionic liquid cleanup process and energy-
患者 ,2 2岁 ,于 1999年 11月 9日因第一胎孕 33周头痛、视物不清 1小时入院。检查 :T36.7℃ ,P10 4次 /分 ,R 2 0次 /分 ,BP2 1/ 15k Pa,心率 10 4次 /分 ,律整 ,两肺未闻异
1 病例报告患者 ,女 ,30岁 ,主因宫内孕第一胎 4 0周无产兆 ,于 1999年 7月 5日 16时入院待产。查体 :一般情况好 ,BP 16/ 10 k Pa,P 88次 /分 ,胎心 140次 /分。次日晨查 :