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西汉,由于农业的迅速发展,粮食产量的提高,酿酒业也发展较快。正如列宁指出的一样,酿酒业与农业的发展直接相关。 西汉酒制的问题牵涉面较宽,本文仅就酒价、酒税、产销方式、用途及主管机关作些粗浅的探索,向同行求教。 Western Han Dynasty, due to the rapid development of agriculture, grain production, wine industry also developed rapidly. As Lenin pointed out, winemaking is directly related to the development of agriculture. Western Han Dynasty wine system involves a wide range of issues, this article only on the price of alcohol, liquor tax, production and marketing methods, uses and competent authorities for some superficial exploration, to seek advice from peers.