
来源 :南通医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yunpiaosifang
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目的 :为了估价在胃癌形态发展多阶段中 P5 3蛋白表达与癌伴神经内分泌分化的关系。方法 :用免疫组化 S-P法研究胃癌 10 0例、癌旁胃粘膜上皮病灶 12 2个 (包括单纯性增生 2 9例 ,轻中度异型增生 66例 ,重度异型增生 2 7例 )中 P5 3蛋白、嗜铬粒蛋白 A( Cg A)、囊泡突触素 ( SYN)的表达。结果 :癌旁病灶中 P5 3蛋白阳性率 3 .2 8%,癌中为 5 0 .0 0 %;Cg A和 SYN在癌旁病灶中为2 1.3 1%和 4.92 %,癌中为 3 6.0 0 %和 16.0 0 %。 P5 3蛋白、Cg A和 (或 ) SYN表达在癌中均明显高于癌旁病灶 ( P<0 .0 1)。随着癌分化降低 ,P5 3蛋白表达增强 ,但在 P5 3不同表达强度时 Cg A和 (或 ) SYN表达无显著差异。结论 :P5 3蛋白表达可出现于胃癌早期 ,但表达增强时为癌发生阶段的较晚期事件。伴有 Cg A和 (或 ) SYN阳性的神经内分泌细胞是癌的一种成份。P5 3蛋白、Cg A、SYN间并无相关性 ,是胃癌形态发生各阶段的独立指标 ,它们从不同角度反映了肿瘤发生、发展的情况。 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between the expression of P53 protein and the neuroendocrine differentiation in the multiple stages of gastric cancer. Methods: Immunohistochemical SP method was used to study the expression of P53 in gastric cancer (P0.05), gastric cancer (122 cases), including 29 cases of simple hyperplasia, 66 cases of mild to moderate dysplasia and 27 cases of severe dysplasia Protein, Chromogranin A (CgA), Synaptophysin (SYN). Results: The positive rate of P53 protein in adjacent noncancerous lesions was 3.28%, and it was 50.0% in cancerous tissues. The positive rates of Cg A and SYN were 21.31% and 4.92% in cancerous adjacent tissues and 3 6.0 0% and 16.0 0%. The expression of P53 protein, Cg A and / or SYN was significantly higher in cancers than in paracancerous lesions (P <0.01). P5 3 protein expression increased with the decrease of cancer differentiation, but there was no significant difference in the expression of Cg A and / or SYN between different P5 3 expression levels. CONCLUSION: The expression of P53 protein may appear in the early stage of gastric cancer, but it may be the later event in the stage of carcinogenesis. Neuroendocrine cells with Cg A and / or SYN positive are a component of cancer. P5 3 protein, Cg A, SYN no correlation between the various stages of gastric cancer is an independent indicator of their reflection from different angles of tumor occurrence and development.
目的 :探讨肺部肿瘤样结节的临床特点、诊断与外科治疗。方法 :对 1 2 6例肺部肿瘤样结节的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 :均行手术治疗 ,无术后并发症和死亡 ,术前仅30例 (
林地是农村宝贵的资源,是农民重要的生产资料。但是长期以来,集体林地资源的经济价值得不到充分体现,集体林地生产率低下,集体林业没有成为农民就业增收的重要 Woodland is
患者女性 ,2 2岁。因“葡萄胎外院二次清宫后 80天 ,阴道少量出血 2天”于 1993年 8月 7日入院。既往史无特殊。 2 1岁结婚 ,孕 0产 0。查体 :心、肺听诊无异常 ,肝、脾肋缘
我们自 1996年 2月~ 1998年 12月对 15例胰腺癌病人在围手术期实施经锁骨下静脉穿刺置管全肠外营养 (TotalPar enteralNutrition ,TPN)支持治疗 ,取得良好效果 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料本组共 15例 ,男 1
目的 探讨PCNA基因过度表达在子宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)及子宫颈鳞形细胞癌中的意义。方法 标本采用常规石蜡切片、HE染色及ABC法免疫组化染色,光镜观察,并对增殖细胞核抗原指