PTA装置中经氧化及加氢后的PT A浆料,经过离心过滤后,进入干燥机干燥。干燥机结构为转动壳体与内部分布的4层加热管排组成,管内蒸汽作为热源,对进入干燥机转动的PTA成品物料加热,使之烘干成粉末状。干燥机加热管的材质为316L不锈钢;加热管48根其规格分别为:φ127mn×3mm、φ102mm×3mm、φ89mm×3mm和φ76mm×3mm;管子平行于转轴,共4圈分布在壳体内;加热管与壳体同步转动,转速3.3r/min,壳体内径3800mm。(干燥器截面图见图1)壳体中心为PTA粉末,伴有氮气吹出壳体进料仓。加热管内饱和蒸汽压力为0.4MPa、温度150℃左右;干燥机壳体内基本为常压。加热管在使用过程中曾多次发生破裂,对加
PTA device after oxidation and hydrogenation of the PT A slurry, after centrifugation, into the dryer dry. Dryer structure for the rotating shell and the internal distribution of 4 layers of heating pipe composition, steam tube as a heat source, into the dryer rotating PTA finished material heating, so that dried into a powder. Drum heating tube made of 316L stainless steel; heating pipe 48 specifications were: φ127mn × 3mm, φ102mm × 3mm, φ89mm × 3mm and φ76mm × 3mm; tube parallel to the shaft, a total of 4 laps distributed in the housing; heating tube Synchronous rotation with the shell, speed 3.3r / min, the shell diameter 3800mm. (Dryer cross-section shown in Figure 1) Shell center PTA powder, accompanied by nitrogen blowing shell feed bin. The saturated steam pressure in the heating pipe is 0.4MPa and the temperature is about 150 ℃. The inside of the dryer housing is normal pressure. Heating pipe in the use of the process has repeatedly ruptured, plus Canada