Male, 30 years old. Discontinued for 2 years because of intermittent consciousness. The first time I started as a morning coma with cold sweat and convulsions, I couldn’t remember the past after I woke up. In the first year, there were two episodes, each lasting about 10 hours, and the episodes were frequent in the past year, 4 to 5 times per month. Tiredness is the precipitating factor. Intravenous glucose can be quickly relieved, and oral sugar water can also ease the attack. After having been diagnosed as schizophrenia, he couldn’t be treated properly and could be investigated for income from hypoglycemia. The results of the glucose tolerance test (OGTT) showed that the curve was flat, but there was no obvious peak shift. After 180 minutes, it returned to the pre-test level. Insulin release test results show that the peak of the curve is 30 minutes after the test, and then it gradually decreases, and it returns to the test at 180 minutes.