愿望1992年夏,我因在“艺术巴塞尔”期间举办自己的版画展,第一次来到巴塞尔。由于喜欢建筑的原因,我通过美国《新闻周刊》上一篇介绍美国建筑师弗兰克·盖里(Frank Owen Gehry)设计的维特拉设计博物馆(VitraDesign Museum)的文章知道了这座建筑杰作,我带着那篇文章的复印件来到巴塞尔,可是非常遗憾的是,因为我持中国护照,只能一次出入瑞士边境,所以当时未能实现参观维特拉设计博物馆的愿望,直到12年之后的2004年,我才有机会和艾未未一起来到这家博物馆参观。可是没有想到18年之后,我能够在这里策划中国当代建筑展,这让我略有感慨。应该值得庆幸的是我们由中国和平崛起的这个时代背景,同时也让我想起有一天有一个人对我说的那句话,他说圣经上说,你一直敲,一直敲,门就开了。
Wishes In the summer of 1992 I first came to Basel for organizing my own printmaking exhibition during Art Basel. For the sake of architecture, I got to know this architectural masterpiece through Newsweek articles in an article introducing the Vitra Design Museum by American architect Frank Owen Gehry. A copy of the article came to Basel, but, regrettably, my visit to the Veitra Design Museum was not realized until 12 years later because of my one-time access to the Swiss border with my Chinese passport. Years, I have the opportunity to Ai Weiwei together to visit this museum. But I did not think 18 years later, I can plan the exhibition of contemporary architecture in China here, which gives me a little feeling. It should be fortunate that this background of our era of peaceful rise of China reminds me of the phrase someone said to me someday. He said in the Bible that you have been knocking and knocking and the door has been opened.